Story Telling by Antonio Gutierrez Jr.

Welcome to WebShopBro.men and woman at work, Building the future.


This has been a long road to be successful in America. I look back at my life in New York city as a youth and young man. My Grandmother, “Tata” looked out for me when I was a little P.R kid in Queens N.Y. The street was a nice place to play when I was a kid. Friends from school were cool. Just outside in the back of the building we would play until Tata called me for dinner. She would say tony it is time to come and eat dinner. Her voice “tony”” tony” come in! A good old memory of my Tata.” Story to be told”

A new journey in my life has come to me. “Stop and think” Plan a better road for myself. Time is short on this earth we need to focus on the good to happen in life. Stand for what is right for you. Look at your past mistakes and learn from them. Enjoy the moment with every breath you take in life. Stop and look at the flowers around you and smell the love of life. Now School is important if you think it will help you. “Story to be told”

Basic math and writing is very important when you get older. Because you cannot move your body, for example, lifting and pushing your body like a young person. So, you need to learn new skills as you get older. One must not waste time with pursuing your goals in life or it might past you by. Develop your skill-sets so you can finish as soon as you can and to feel better about yourself. Writing a blog is very hard for me at this time. This my first blog on WordPress. “Story to be told”